Academics at Northwest Missouri State University

There are 11 academic schools and departments at Northwest Missouri State University. All majors, minors, degrees, and certifications offered at Northwest fall within one of the 11 areas below. Each school or department benefits from donor funding by helping to provide unique learning opportunities for students, up-to-date equipment, renovations to educational spaces, and more. Select a school or department below for information on how each benefit from donor support. 

Timothy Carlyle Academics Challenge
The first 10 donations to Academics will unlock a $500 gift from Timothy Carlyle ('01), Director of Infrastructure Services at Northwest Missouri State University.
10 Gift Goal
Starts in
Mark Jelavich Theatre Challenge
The first 10 donations to benefit Theatre in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts will unlock a $1,000 gift from Dr. Mark Jelavich, in memory of his wife Janet, in honor of her love for the theatre and in celebration of the Janet (Stuck) Jelavich Theatre Scholarship. Mark, a retired Northwest faculty member, dedicated 31 years of his career as a professor of Economics at Northwest Missouri State University.
10 Gift Goal
Starts in
Bearcat Spirit Challenge
What is Northwest's is favorite campus landmark? When completing your Bearcat Day of Green gift, specify your choice for your participation to count in this leaderboard!
Professor Carol Miller Academics Challenge
Thanks to the generosity of Professor Carol Miller ('79), a proud Northwest graduate, the first 15 donations of $50 or more to Academics will unlock a $2,500 gift.
15 Gift Goal
Starts in
Jamie & Gary Hooyman Winner Takes All Challenge
The Academic school or department with the most donors will receive a $1,000 gift from Dr. Jamie Hooyman, Provost of Northwest Missouri State University, and Gary ('20) Hooyman.
Department (11)
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