Bearcat Day of Green 2025
Let's come together to help Bearcat students!

Bearcat Day of Green is an annual giving challenge lasting 1905 minutes - in honor of Northwest's founding year. The purpose is for the Bearcat community – alumni, employees, students, parents, and friends – to come together and assist in the various initiatives and programs at Northwest Missouri State University. You have the ability to directly help specific areas on campus of your choice. 

The Day of Green's core initiatives are:

  • Academics
  • Bearcat Athletics
  • Bearcats Supporting Bearcats
  • Northwest Fund
  • Scholarships
  • Student Life

There are specific designations under each of these initiatives, meaning you're able to help many areas on campus that you hold near and dear to your heart. Thank you, Bearcats!

Timothy Carlyle KXCV-KRNW Challenge
All gifts to KXCV-KRNW will be matched (up to $500) by Timothy Carlyle ('01), Director of Infrastructure Services at Northwest Missouri State University.
The Bearcat Bookworm Challenge
Brandy Brady (’96, ’21), Director of Library Services & Operations & Troy Brady, Northwest MEP Senior Supervisor are challenging donors to give $5 in honor of every book they’ve read in the past year. All gifts made to B.D. Owens Library will be matched up to $500 thanks to the generosity of Brandy, Troy, and their extended family; Catlyn (Brady) Shelby (’21) & Cole Shelby, Kas Brady (’23), Camryn Brady (’27), Mike & Alison Reasoner (children attend Horace Mann/Leet Center), Kathy Henry, and Ray & Denise Reasoner (‘80), Brandy’s parents who continually provide love and support to this family of readers.
Don & Stacy Carrick Bearcat Marching Band (BMB) Matching Challenge
Don & Stacy Carrick encourage you to support the BMB during the 2025 Day of Green. All gifts made to the Bearcat Marching Band will be matched (up to $2,000). Don is a dedicated Bearcat supporter, and Stacy serves on the Northwest Leadership Team as the Vice President of Finance & Administration.
Tyler & Christy Tapps Student Life Challenge
The first 5 donors to Student Life will unlock a $500 gift from Dr. Tyler ('04, '06) and Christy Tapps, Northwest staff members. After years of being a professor in the School of Health Science and Wellness, Tyler now serves as Associate Provost for Academic Operations and Assessment. Christy is the Head Athletic Trainer, serving Northwest athletes in need of physical rehabilitation.
5 Donor Goal
Starts in
Timothy Carlyle Bearcats Supporting Bearcats Challenge
The first 10 donors of Bearcats Supporting Bearcats will unlock a $500 gift from Timothy Carlyle ('01), Director of Infrastructure Services at Northwest Missouri State University.
10 Gift Goal
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Randy & Judy Frueh Bearcats Supporting Bearcats Challenge
The first 10 donations of $50 or more to Bearcats Supporting Bearcats will unlock a $1,000 gift from Randy and Judy Frueh to the Northwest Food Pantry. Judy is a nurse practitioner in the University's Wellness Center, helping provide care to students who need it.
10 Gift Goal
Starts in
Alumni Association Board of Directors Northwest Fund Challenge
The first 20 gifts to the Northwest Fund will unlock an $7,525 gift from the Northwest Alumni Association Board of Directors. The Alumni Association Board is comprised of Bearcats committed to serving the University by engaging others within the Bearcat community.
25 Gift Goal
Starts in
Ed & Marla Douglas Tennis Challenge
The first 5 donors to make a gift to Bearcat Athletics will unlock a $500 gift to Men's and Women's Tennis from Ed ('74) and Marla Douglas. Ed is a proud alumnus of Northwest, and he and Marla are active supporters of the University.
5 Donor Goal
Starts in
Brian & Holly Hesse Esports Challenge
Thanks to the generosity of Brian ('95) and Holly Hesse, the first 20 gifts made to Esports will unlock a $3,000 gift to the same fund. Brian is a proud Bearcat alum and an active member of the Northwest Foundation Board.
20 Gift Goal
Starts in
Angela & Rob Moskow Northwest Fund Challenge
The first 15 donations to the Northwest Fund will unlock a $1,000 gift to the Northwest Fund from Angela Moskow, President-elect of the Northwest Foundation Board.
15 Gift Goal
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Ken & Leisha Barry Arboretum Challenge
The first 5 donors to make a gift to the Arboretum will unlock a $1,000 gift from Ken and Leisha ('84) Barry. Ken and Leisha are active members of the Bearcat community and Leisha is the Immediate Past President of the Northwest Foundation Board of Directors.
5 Donor Goal
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Melvin and Valorie Booth Bearcats Supporting Bearcats Challenge
The first 15 gifts made to Bearcats Supporting Bearcats will unlock a generous gift of $2,000 from Melvin and Valorie Booth, the namesake benefactors of the Booth School of Business.
15 Gift Goal
Starts in
Mel & Carol Tjeerdsma Athletics Challenge
The first 40 donations to Athletics will unlock a $15,000 gift from Mel ('77) and Carol Tjeerdsma. Mel was head Bearcat football coach from 1994-2010 and later Director of Athletics. He's now a member of the University's Board of Regents. Carol was a faculty member in Northwest's School of Education.
40 Gift Goal
Starts in
Jason and Nichole Klindt Student Life Challenge
The first 20 donations to Student Life will unlock a special $5,000 gift from Jason ('99, '02) and Nichole Klindt. Jason is an alumnus of Northwest and Nichole is a proud Bearcat friend!
20 Gift Goal
Starts in
McMenamin Family Football Challenge
The first 50 unique donors to Bearcat Football will unlock a $500 gift from the McMenamin family. Coach John McMenamin ('02) is the 21st head coach of the Bearcat football program. He and his wife, Andrea and their two children, Jackson and Jessa look forward to seeing fans at Bearcat Stadium this fall!
50 Donor Goal
Starts in
Marc & Sonya Gordon Women's Soccer Challenge
To celebrate 26 seasons of Bearcat women's soccer, the first 26 unique donors to make a gift to soccer will unlock a $260 gift from Marc and Sonya Gordon. Marc is the third head coach of the Bearcat Women's Soccer program and enthusiastically coaches the team to victory!
26 Donor Goal
Starts in
Bearcat Spirit Challenge
What is Northwest's favorite campus landmark? When completing your Bearcat Day of Green gift, specify your choice for your participation to count in this leaderboard!
Dr. Mike & Lori Steiner Northwest Fund Challenge
Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Mike ('85) and Lori ('85) Steiner, all gifts made to the Northwest Fund will be matched (up to $1,000). Dr. Mike Steiner served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Lori Steiner served as Assistant Vice President of University Advancement, until their retirement in 2024.
Don & Stacy Carrick KXCV-KRNW Matching Challenge
In honor of John Coffey's 40 years of service as the Voice of the Bearcats, every $40 donation to KXCV-KRNW will be matched (up to $2,000) by Don and Stacy Carrick. Don is a dedicated Bearcat supporter, and Stacy serves on the Northwest Leadership Team as the Vice President of Finance & Administration.
Kevin & Kathy Fullerton Scholarship Challenge
The first 15 donations to Scholarships will unlock a $1,000 gift from Kevin ('88) and Kathy Fullerton. Kevin is a proud Northwest alumnus and Kathy is a long-time Bearcat friend!
15 Gift Goal
Starts in
Timothy Carlyle Academics Challenge
The first 10 donations to Academics will unlock a $500 gift from Timothy Carlyle ('01), Director of Infrastructure Services at Northwest Missouri State University.
10 Gift Goal
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Timothy Carlyle Scholarship Challenge
The first 10 donations to Scholarships will unlock a $500 gift from Timothy Carlyle ('01), Director of Infrastructure Services at Northwest Missouri State University.
10 Gift Goal
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John Moore Scholarship Challenge
The first 20 donations to Scholarships will unlock a $1,000 gift from John Moore ('78). John has served on the Northwest Foundation Board of Directors and currently is a member of the Northwest Board of Regents
20 Gift Goal
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Mark Jelavich Theatre Challenge
The first 10 donations to benefit Theatre in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts will unlock a $1,000 gift from Dr. Mark Jelavich, in memory of his wife Janet, in honor of her love for the theatre and in celebration of the Janet (Stuck) Jelavich Theatre Scholarship. Mark, a retired Northwest faculty member, dedicated 31 years of his career as a professor of Economics at Northwest Missouri State University.
10 Gift Goal
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Joe & Kelly Quinlin Scholarship Challenge
In honor or Joe and Kelly Quinlin’s contributions to Northwest Missouri State University, Dr. Terry and Anne Long have issued a challenge in honor of the two as a part of the Bearcat Day of Green. If 58 donors make a contribution to the Joe & Kelly Quinlin scholarship fund (in honor of the 58 points scored by the 1999 National Champion Bearcat Football team), the Longs will make a special donation to the same scholarship. The goal is to create an endowed scholarship to be awarded annually to a student in the School of Health Science and Wellness.
58 Donor Goal
Starts in
Clint & Amber Prange Athletics Challenge
In honor of Northwest's 20 individual national champions for indoor track and field, the first 20 gifts made to Bearcat Athletics will unlock a $1,000 gift from Clint ('04, '05) and Amber Prange. Clint holds multiple school records for indoor and outdoor track and field, and he was inducted into the NCAA Division II Athlete Hall of Fame in 2016.
20 Gift Goal
Starts in
Gary & Merry McDonald Scholarship Challenge
The first 40 donations to Scholarships will unlock a $10,000 gift from Drs. Gary and Merry McDonald! Gary and Merry each dedicated 44 years of their careers to Northwest as professors and were founding members of the University's Department of Computer Science and Information Systems.
40 Gift Goal
Starts in
Professor Carol Miller Academics Challenge
Thanks to the generosity of Professor Carol Miller ('79), a proud Northwest graduate, the first 15 donations of $50 or more to Academics will unlock a $2,500 gift.
15 Gift Goal
Starts in
Michael and Kenna Johnson Residential Life Challenge
To celebrate the 11 current residence halls on Northwest's campus, the first 11 donors to make a gift to Student Life will unlock a $1,000 gift from Michael ('85) and Kenna ('84, '87) Johnson. Michael is the Vice President of University Advancement at Northwest, and Kenna served as an Academic Advisor before her retirement. The two met at Northwest through their involvement as residential assistants.
11 Gift Goal
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Northwest Retiree Leadership Scholarship Challenge
The first 20 gifts to the Northwest Retiree Leadership Scholarship Fund will unlock a $1,604 gift from the Northwest Retirees Association Members and Friends. The Northwest Retiree Leadership Scholarship will be awarded to a full-time Northwest student serving as an ambassador of Lead Green, a non-credit, co-curricular-based program at the University that is designed to develop leaders who will impact the greater campus community. The goal is to create an endowed scholarship.
20 Gift Goal
Starts in
Kori and Allison Hoffmann Scholarship Challenge
The first 5 donors to make a gift of $50 or more to Scholarships will unlock a $500 gift from Drs. Kori and Allison ('01, '03) Hoffmann. Kori and Allison both serve as employees of Northwest - Kori as the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Director of Student Conduct and Development, and Allison as the Assistant Vice President of Admissions and Student Success.
5 Donor Goal
Starts in
Meyer Family Women's Basketball Challenge
The first 50 unique donors to make a gift to women's basketball will unlock a special gift from Austin ('06, 08) and Kelsi ('11, '14) Meyer. Austin serves as head coach for the Women's Bearcat Basketball team and is the ninth coach in the program's history. Austin, Kelsi and their two children, Mary Claire and Franklin, are grateful for all the support shown by fans of women's basketball!
50 Donor Goal
Starts in
Jamie & Gary Hooyman Winner Takes All Challenge
The Academic school or department with the most donors will receive a $1,000 gift from Dr. Jamie Hooyman, Provost of Northwest Missouri State University, and Gary ('20) Hooyman.
Department (11)
Andy & Emily Peterson Bearcat Women's Athletics Leaderboard Challenge
Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Andy Peterson, ('07, '08, '13), Director of Athletics, and his wife Emily ('10, '12), the women's sport with the most donors during the Bearcat Day of Green will receive an additional $500!
Department (10)
See what people are sharing about Bearcat Day of Green 2025!
Donor Heatmap
Rank State Gifts
1 MO 1
2 AA 0
2 AE 0
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